Getting Started with Review Climbo: A 9 Steps Comprehensive Guide

Getting Started with Review Climbo: A 9 Steps Comprehensive Guide

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In today's digital marketplace, managing online reviews is crucial for business success. Review Climbo stands out as a versatile tool for this task. This guide introduces you to Review Climbo, highlighting how it can elevate customer engagement and utilize feedback for business improvement.

1. Subscribing to a Plan:

Review Climbo Pricing
Review Climbo Pricing

Review Climbo offers three main plans, each tailored to different business needs, with a free trial available for users to test the platform.

  • Starter (£9/month): Ideal for proactive business owners, offering manual control over review management. Features include review aggregation, multi-platform handling, manual review requests, a personalized feedback landing page, AI replies for Google and Facebook, a display widget, social sharing, in-depth analytics, and mobile-friendly design.

  • Pro (£19/month): Suits businesses looking for automated review management. It includes all Starter features plus automated review requests.

  • Elite (£99/month): Designed for comprehensive, full-service management. It encompasses all Pro features, along with an enhanced review widget, our team responding to reviews, monthly reports, a dedicated account manager, and priority support.

Each plan provides an email with login credentials upon subscription. For more detailed information on these plans and their features, please visit Review Climbo Pricing.

2. Logging In:

Once you subscribe to Review Climbo, the login process is straightforward, involving just a few steps:

  • Email with Credentials: After subscription, you'll receive an email containing your unique user ID and a temporary password.

  • Initial Login and Password Update:

    • Visit Review Climbo App.

    • Select your preferred language.

    • Log in using the provided user ID and temporary password.

    • Important: Change your temporary password immediately for enhanced security.

Review Climbo Login Page
Review Climbo Login Page
  • In Case of Forgotten Password:

    • Click on the "forget password" link on the login page.

    • Follow the instructions in the follow-up email to reset your password.

By following these steps, you can ensure a secure and hassle-free access to your Review Climbo account.

3. Integrating Your Platform:

Upon logging into Review Climbo, you can begin integrating various platforms:

  • Starting Integration:

    • Upon dashboard access, click "Go to Integrations".

    • Alternatively, you can find "Integrations" under the "Settings" tab in the sidebar.

      Review Climbo Integration Page
      Review Climbo Integration Page
  • Integration Process:

    • The integration page displays a list of platforms such as Google, Facebook, and others.

    • For Google and Facebook:

      • Click the "Integrate" button.

      • A pop-up will prompt you to log in and grant the necessary access.

        Review Climbo Integration Page for Google
        Review Climbo Integration Page for Google
        Review Climbo Integration Page for Facebook
        Review Climbo Integration Page for Facebook
    • For other platforms:

      • Enter the URL of your business listing on the respective platform.

      • Follow the prompts to complete the integration.

        Review Climbo Integration Page for Other Platform
        Review Climbo Integration Page for Other Platform, example Trustpilot

This setup ensures that Review Climbo is connected to your business profiles across various platforms, centralizing your review management.

4. Reading Reviews and Replying:

Once your platforms are successfully integrated, Review Climbo will begin to aggregate your reviews:

  • Review Aggregation:

    • The software starts populating your feed with reviews from the integrated platforms. Note that this may take some time.

      Review Climbo Review Dashboard
      Review Climbo Review Dashboard
  • Navigating Reviews:

    • On the left sidebar within the Reviews section, you'll find a list of integrated platforms along with ratings and the number of reviews received.

    • The right sidebar provides tools to search for reviews. You can enter keywords, or filter reviews by Assessment, Type, Answer, and Date.

  • Engaging with Reviews:

    • Review Climbo allows you to monitor and respond to reviews in an easy way.

    • Google & Facebook

      • Review Climbo allows you to monitor and respond to Google and Facebook reviews directly from the platform.

      • Click the "Reply" button next to a review to type your response.

      • You can also utilize AI (Artificial Intelligence) to generate a reply automatically.

  • For other platforms

    • Clicking "Reply" will redirect you to the respective platform to post your response, where you must be logged in.

  • Managing Reviews:

    • Each review has an option to be hidden from the review widget if desired; this will be further explained in Section 8.

    • Additionally, there's a feature to share reviews on social media, which we will cover in more detail in Section 7.

This section of Review Climbo ensures you have full control over your online reputation by allowing you to actively engage with and manage customer feedback.

5. Customizing Your Review Landing Page:

Your Review Climbo landing page is a pivotal point of contact between your customers and your business. It's where they can express their experiences, and it's your opportunity to guide their feedback. Navigate to "Settings" and click "Review Link" to customize your Review Landing Page.

Review Climbo Landing Page Settings
Review Climbo Landing Page Settings

Here's how to tailor it:

  • Edit Review Link URL:

    • This is the personalized link you will share with customers. Keep it concise and memorable.

    • Navigate to "Settings" and click "Review Link" to customize this URL.

  • Customize the Link Preview Title:

    • The preview title is the first text your customers will see, so make it inviting and clear.

    • You can edit this to something like, "Do you want to leave us a review?" This prompts action and clearly states the purpose of the link.

  • Edit Landing Page Home Page:

    • Choose between two home page types: Evaluation or Platform Choice.

    • Evaluation: Select this if you wish to first collect a star rating. Based on the rating, the page either shows review platform buttons or requests a private note for lower ratings.

      Review Climbo Landing Page Settings with Evaluation
      Review Climbo Landing Page Settings with Evaluation
    • Platform Choice: This option takes customers directly to the buttons linking to your review platforms.

      Review Climbo Landing Page Settings with Platform Choice
      Review Climbo Landing Page Settings with Platform Choice

By setting up these elements, you create a smooth experience for customers wanting to leave feedback, whether publicly on review platforms or privately to you. This strategic approach can help you manage both positive and negative feedback more effectively.

6. Getting Reviews:

Review Climbo facilitates various methods for soliciting customer reviews directly through the platform:

  • Requesting Reviews:

    • Select "Get Reviews" on the left sidebar to access the review request options.

    • You can request reviews through WhatsApp, SMS, Email, or QR Code.

      Review Climbo Get Review Page
      Review Climbo Get Review Page
  • Uploading Contacts:

    • Upload a CSV file with your customer contacts or enter them manually.

    • Before sending messages, ensure you have obtained consent by checking the "I have consent to send messages to this contact" box, then proceed by clicking "Request a review".

  • Customizing Review Requests:

    • Scroll within the "Get Reviews" section to personalize templates for WhatsApp, SMS, and Email.

    • Tailor the message to align with your brand voice and clearly invite customers to leave a review.

  • Reminder Automation:

    • You have the option to send automatic reminders if the customer has not left a review.

    • Set reminders to be sent at specific intervals, such as every 3 or 7 days after the initial request.

  • Editing Reminder Templates:

    • Edit the SMS and Email reminder templates to suit your communication style and maintain consistency across all customer touchpoints.

  • Utilizing QR Codes for Reviews:

    Review Climbo Get Review Page QR Code
    Review Climbo Get Review Page QR Code
    • A QR code offers a quick and touchless option for customers to access your review link.

    • In the "Get Reviews" section, switch to the QR Code tab.

    • You can view and download a QR code that directs to your review landing page.

    • Place the QR code in strategic locations such as checkout counters, tables, or receipts to encourage customers to leave a review.

With these features, Review Climbo ensures that you have a robust system to gather customer feedback efficiently while respecting their consent and preferences.

7. Sharing Reviews with Social Media:

Leveraging social media to share customer reviews can enhance credibility and attract new customers.

Review Climbo Social Sharing
Review Climbo Social Sharing

Here's how to do it with Review Climbo:

  • Connecting Social Media Accounts:

    • Go to the "Social" tab in Review Climbo to connect your Facebook and Instagram accounts.

    • Once connected, you can share reviews directly to these platforms.

  • Customizing Social Media Posts:

    • Customize the appearance of your posts to match your brand identity by editing the Brand and Background colors.

    • Edit the Text of the post template to include a personalized message, the review text, and a call-to-action with a link to the review.

  • Sharing Reviews:

    • In the "Reviews" section, click on "Share" next to the review you wish to post.

    • Select the social media platform where you want to share the review.

  • Customizing Posts for Each Platform:

    • If you want to adjust the template for each social media platform to cater to the respective audience, follow these steps:

    • Prepare Visuals:

      • Use graphic design tools like Canva or Adobe Spark to create custom visuals. Incorporate your branding elements like logos, brand colors, and fonts.

      • Include the review text and star rating visually in the graphic to capture attention quickly.

    • Crafting the Message:

      • Write a compelling caption that expresses gratitude towards the reviewer or highlights the positive impact of the review. It’s also an opportunity to showcase how feedback contributes to your business improvement.

      • Ensure the caption is engaging and aligns with the tone and style of your brand's social media presence.

    • Call-to-Action (CTA):

      • Encourage your followers to leave their own reviews by including a CTA in your post. Provide a link to your review landing page or direct them to where they can leave a review.

      • If you're posting on Instagram, you can direct followers to the link in your bio since Instagram posts don't support clickable links.

    • Scheduling and Consistency:

      • Use social media management tools like Hootsuite or Buffer to schedule your posts for optimal times when your audience is most active.

      • Maintain a consistent schedule for sharing reviews to keep your audience engaged and informed about the positive experiences of your customers.

    • Responding to Comments:

      • Monitor the comments on your social media posts and respond promptly. This interaction not only shows that you value customer feedback but also encourages others to engage with your brand.

    • Leveraging Stories and Highlights:

      • For platforms like Instagram, consider sharing reviews in Stories, which can be more informal and personable. You can also save these reviews to Highlights for long-term visibility.

By following these steps, you can effectively share positive reviews on your social media pages, showcasing customer satisfaction and encouraging others to choose your services.

8. Embedding Reviews in Your Website:

Showcasing customer reviews directly on your website can significantly boost credibility and encourage potential customers.

Review Climbo Web Widget Settings
Review Climbo Web Widget Settings

Here's how to embed reviews using Review Climbo:

  • Steps to Embed Reviews on Your Website:

    • Within Review Climbo, navigate to the "Widgets" section.

    • Choose the format you prefer for displaying reviews, such as Carousel, Feed, Video, or Badge.

    • Copy the provided HTML script from the widget configuration.

  • Customization Options:

    • Customize the widget to match your site’s design by selecting options like Dark Mode, hiding scores, or profile photos.

    • Widgets by default only display 4 and 5-star reviews that include text, focusing on showcasing the most positive feedback.

  • Embedding the Widget:

    • Paste the HTML code into the appropriate section of your website, typically where you want the reviews to be displayed.

    • For those unfamiliar with HTML, it may be necessary to consult with a web developer or use website builder tools that allow custom HTML.

  • Managing Displayed Reviews:

    • If you wish to remove a specific review from appearing in the widget, you can manage this within the "Reviews" section of Review Climbo.

  • Enhanced Review Widget with Elite Plan:

    • In the Elite plan, you have access to an enhanced review widget, which provides additional customization options and features for a more sophisticated display of Google reviews. This advanced widget can showcase your detailed reviews with AI-generated Summary, the author's name, picture, and a link to your Google account, allowing for a highly trustworthy presentation of customer feedback on your website.

      Review Climbo Enhanced Web Widget
      Review Climbo Enhanced Web Widget
  • Tips for Maximizing Impact and Visibility:

    • Place the review widget on high-traffic pages, such as your homepage, product pages, or checkout pages.

    • Ensure the widget is placed above the fold for immediate visibility or near call-to-action buttons to reinforce trust just as visitors are making a decision.

    • Regularly update the widget settings in Review Climbo to reflect new and updated reviews, keeping the content fresh and relevant.

By following these steps and strategically placing the review widget, you can enhance the trustworthiness of your website and positively influence visitors' purchase decisions.

9. Using Analytics to Understand Reviews:

The analytics section in Review Climbo is instrumental in tracking and understanding the performance of your review collection efforts and the subsequent impact on your online reputation.

Review Climbo Analytics
Review Climbo Analytics
  • Overview of Analytics Features in Review Climbo:

    • New Public Reviews: Track the number of new reviews over a selected time period to monitor changes in customer engagement.

    • Reviews Growth: View a graph showing the trend of total reviews over time, which helps you understand how your review volume is changing.

    • Review Funnel: This metric displays the effectiveness of your review invitation process, including invites sent and the resulting visits to the review page.

    • Average Rating Growth: Monitor the overall trend of your average rating to gauge customer satisfaction and service quality.

  • Review Funnel Analytics:

    • Invites Sent: Measures the total number of review invitation campaigns sent via email, SMS, and WhatsApp within a selected timeframe, indicating your outreach efforts.

    • Total Unique Visits: Counts how many unique visitors have clicked on your Review Link, providing insight into the effectiveness of your invites.

    • QR Code Unique Visits: Tracks the number of unique visits to your Review Link that come specifically from scanning the QR Code, reflecting the efficacy of physical marketing.

    • New Public Reviews: The number of new reviews on public platforms like Google within the selected timeframe, excluding video and private reviews, indicating the rate of feedback acquisition.

    • Negative Feedback: The count of private reviews resulting from negative customer experiences, helping you understand and respond to customer dissatisfaction.

  • Interpreting Data to Improve Products/Services:

    • By analyzing the Review Funnel, you can identify which methods of requesting reviews are most effective and adjust your strategy accordingly.

    • A high number of unique visits but low new public reviews might indicate a need to make the process of leaving a review easier or more compelling.

  • Leveraging Insights for Business Growth:

    • A steady increase in positive public reviews can be an excellent point to promote in marketing campaigns.

    • Monitoring QR Code visits can help you gauge the success of offline materials and optimize where you display the QR Codes.

    • Addressing the issues behind any negative feedback can prevent future dissatisfaction and improve overall customer experience.

Incorporating these analytics into your business strategy allows for a more targeted approach to improving your service and product offerings, ultimately fostering a stronger, more positive online presence.


Review Climbo Social Sharing

As we've explored the myriad features of Review Climbo, it's clear that effectively managing online reviews is a critical aspect of building and maintaining a business's reputation in today's digital marketplace. Recognizing the complexity and the time investment required for diligent reputation management, Review Climbo offers a solution that goes beyond software – a 'done-for-you' service available through our Elite plan. This service is designed to manage your reviews and do all the heavy lifting, allowing you to focus on your core business operations while we take care of bolstering your online presence.

To further support your endeavors in reputation management, Review Climbo also offers a chat support system where you can get help with any queries or issues you might encounter.

References and Further Reading:

Through the use of Review Climbo and the wealth of resources available, businesses can take control of their online reviews, turning feedback into actionable insights and leveraging positive testimonials to attract new customers. Our Elite plan is specifically tailored to ensure that your reputation is meticulously managed, reflecting the high standards of your services and dedication to customer satisfaction. Check out the details on our website at Review Climbo Pricing.

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